Intelligent Mine Water Management – iMineWa
Name: Intelligent Mine Water Management Acronym: i...
Name: Intelligent Mine Water Management Acronym: i...
Name: Solutions for Arsenic Control in Mining Proc...
Name:Â Solutions for Control of Nitrogen Discharg...
Acronym: PuMi Duration: 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2014 To...
Name: Management of water balance and quality in m...
Name: Development of production integrated conditi...
Name: Sustainable Acceptable Mining Acronym: SAM D...
Name: Kaivostoiminnan ja matkailun yhteensovittami...
Name: Different Land-Uses and Local Communities in...
Name: Novel methods for online monitoring environm...
Name: Novel technologies for greenfield exploratio...
Name: Ultra-low impact exploration methods ...
Name: Process scale-up for sulphide-poor PGE ores,...
Name: Assessment of rare earth metal recovery proc...
Name: Compact, combined and co-working pretreatmen...
Name: Energy and Chemicals Saving Flotation Concen...
Name: Kaivannaisteollisuuden lietteiden suo...
Name: MineSense – Sustainable mineral processing...
Name: Bio-oxidation and autoclave pressure oxidati...
Name: Utilization of sulphide mine tailings in geo...
Name: Utilisation of green chemicals in non-energy...
Name: Nanorakenteiset hybridimateriaalit jätevesi...
Name: Mineral Analysis using X-ray Imaging Acronym...
Name: Mine Water as a resource Acronym: MIWARE Dur...
Name: From aqueous challenges at mines to valuable...
Name: Kaivosalueiden malminetsintäkonseptit ja te...
Name: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Mineral Explorat...
Name: COst-effective Geophysical Imaging Technique...
Name: Â ALLU Soft Rock Crushing Tekesin ohjelma Gr...
Name: EnMonCon Global Duration: 02.11.2015 –...
Name: CAN-väylä Geomachine kairakoneisiin...
Name: Development of geophysical electromagnetic m...
Name: Litiummalmin kestävä prosessointi (...
Name: Intelligent bucket (Älykäs kauha) Duration...
Name: Low-cost adsorbents for the treatment of min...
Name: Kestävä Kaivos Acronym: KK1 Duration: 1.1....
Name: Kestävä Kaivos 2 Acronym: KK2 Duration: 1....
Name: Nibipros – Development of downstream opera...
Name: Clean Slag project Duration: 10.6.2015 – 3...
Name: Innovative extraction and management of vana...
Name: Mineralogical study on pelletizing, hardenin...
Name: Normet Technology program in Green Mining Ac...
Name: AuChloride Acronym: AuChloride Duration: 4/2...
Name: Pilot Plant Run on Mustavaara Ilmenomagnetit...
Teollisuuden Vesi Oy – Industrial Water ltd. is ...
Name:Â Ideal Rock Factory Acronym: IRF Duration: Â...