Intelligent and minimum-impact mines
Results of the Tekes Programme 2011-2016
The Green Mining programme’s background
Tekes Green Mining programme was launched on June 2011. The programme was scheduled to last five years, ending in June 2016. The initiative for the project was Finland´s mineral strategy, launched by the Ministry of Labour and the Economics 2010. The program has been implemented in close connection with the Action Plan “Making Finland a Leader in Extractive Industry”, launched by the ministry 2013.
The Finish green mining program was focused on two major themes:
New mineral resources
- Exploration technologies
- Geomodels and geodata management
- Hi-tech metal resources
- Benefication and use of country rock and tailings
Intelligent and minimal impact / Invisible mining
- Innovative processes
- Digitalization
- Chemical/ biological enrichment tehchniques
- Management on process water
Key figures
Total volume of the Green Mining programme at the end of June 2016 is approximately EUR 115 million. The original budget was almost doubled. Tekes innovation funding covered approximately EUR 55 million (48 %), out of which 60% is grant and 40% loan. The project portfolio consists close to one hundred projects and incorporates more than 170 participants from different domestic and international organizations.
Project portfolio total 115 m€
RDO/University funding, m€0%
176 participating organizations
Technology and service companies0%
Exploration and mining companies0%
Research organisations/universities0%
Considering the subcontracting from SMEs and from research organizations by the companies´ projects, the financing has distributed quite evenly among various organizations.
Research organizations / Universities
The main emphasis in research organization and university driven project has been in development of water processing and management. The company driven projects have focused on machinery and mineral processing.
Focus of research and university driven projects, totally EUR 30 million
Social aspects
Focus of company projects, totally EUR 85 million
Overall focus of Green Mining Program, totally EUR 115 million
Water processing and management
Mineral processing
Waste processing and management
Measuring technology
Social aspects
Machinery and maintenance
The Green Mining programme’s outcomes
Project report summaries can be found here
In course of the programme several international seminars have been arranged in Finland and abroad. To facilitate the international cooperation, programme paid a delegation visit to Australia in the beginning of 2012.
As a result of the projects several thesis, patents and invention discloses have been submitted and startups founded.
2 patents, 4 invention disclosures
97 reviewed publications, incl. submitted manuscripts, 171 other publications and reports
The projects in the program covered well the entire value chain of mine development and operation.