29 kesä Yara: Geophysical and geological methods for delineation of mineral deposits and their associated structures
Name: State-of-the-art geophysical and geological methods for delineation of mineral deposits and their associated structures – Sweden and Finland
Duration: Started 20.3.2015, Ending 31.12.2017
Total costs (€)/Tekes support: 962798 e / Tekes support for Yara 40 000 e (Yara has spent 140 000e)
Organisation: Yara Suomi Oy
Contact person: Mikko Suikkanen, Yara Suomi Oy, mikko.suikkanen(at)yara.com
www: Yara.fi
Research organization partners: Uppsala University, Nordig Iron Ore, GTK
Need and motivation of the project: To increase economical benefits and better understanding of slope stability conditions
Main set targets: To increase economical benefits and better understanding of slope stability conditions
Key results and impact: Results of seismics are still under evaluation