Green Mining | Outotec: AuChloride
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Outotec: AuChloride

Name: AuChloride

Acronym: AuChloride

Duration: 4/2015-3/2018

Total costs (€)/Tekes support: 3 411 500 € / 1 364 000€

Organisation: Outotec (Finland) Oy

Contact person: Riina Ahtiainen, Outotec (Finland) Oy, riina.ahtiainen(at)


Research organization partners: Aalto University and Lappeenranta University of Technology

Need and motivation of the project:
Currently cyanide leaching technology dominates hydrometallurgical gold production. However, cyanide has a generally poor reputation within wider society and today there are jurisdictions where the use of cyanide is banned or restricted.

Main set targets:

The objective of the AuChloride project is to develop a competitive cyanide free gold extraction and recovery technology for the market. By novel technology, Outotec as a technology supplier is expecting to gain a competitive edge over its competitors.