Green Mining | Mondo Minerals Nickel: Nibipros
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Mondo Minerals Nickel: Nibipros

Name: Nibipros – Development of downstream operation for nickel concentrate processing by using bioleaching process in reactors

Acronym: Nibipros

Duration:  1.8.2013 – 30.6.2015

Total costs (€)/Tekes support: 594 000€/207 900€

Organisation: Mondo Minerals Nickel Oy

Contact person Janne Seppälä, Mondo Minerals, janne.seppala(at)


Research organization partners: Mintek, GTK

International partners: Mintek

Need and motivation of the project:
Need for to decrease fairly high iron and arsenic concentrations and need for to increase fairly low nickel concentration in the nickel flotation concentrates produced by Mondo Minerals.

Main set targets:
To develop and to test in pilot scale the reactor bioleaching process for to process flotation nickel concentrate.


Key results and impact

Successful pilot tests accomplished and an investment decision of full scale process plant have been made.

Commercialization status (demos, pilotings, investments, products, services): Full scale process plant’s commissioning in action.