29 kesä Miilux: Kestävä Kaivos
Name: Kestävä Kaivos
Acronym: KK1
Duration: 1.1.2012-31.5.2013
Total costs (€)/Tekes support: 105 427€ / 52 714€
Organisation: Miilux Oy
Contact person: Timo Sipilä, Miilux Oy, timo.sipila(at)miilux.fi
www: www.miilux.fi
Research organization partners: Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu
Need and motivation of the project:
To get reliable knowledge about abrasion resistant steel wear and lifetime of wear parts in extreme environment. Changing wear parts in correct time saves money and makes environment happy.
Main set targets:
Build “Älyteräs” products (wear measurement device installed inside of abrasion resistant steel) and develop Miilux Mining service service concept.
Key results and impact
We build “Älyteräs” prototype, which tells to us when wear part has to be changed. Miilux Mining Service is ready and we have been marketing it to Finnish mines since 2013 (2016 Miilux Mining Service is going strong).
Commercialization status (demos, pilotings, investments, products, services): Demos were build and tested, they were successful. Miilux Mining Service is proceeding according to plans.