29 kesä Sustainable Acceptable Mining – SAM
Name: Sustainable Acceptable Mining
Acronym: SAM
Duration: 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2015
Total costs (€)/Tekes support
Leading research organization partner: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.
Contact persons Helena Wessman-Jääskeläinen, VTT, Helena.wessman(at)vtt.fi
www: http://virtual.vtt.fi/virtual/sam/
Research organization partners: Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), University of Helsinki/Environmental Economy (HY)
Company partners: AngloAmerican, Agnico Eagle, FQM Pyhäsalmi Mine, Northland Mines (2013-14), FinnMin, City of Kuusamo, Metsähallitus, Sandvik Mining and Construction
Main international partners: CSIRO (Australia), Fundacion Chile (Chile), Consensus Building Institute CBI (USA)
Number of reviewed publications, incl. submitted manuscripts: 5
Number of other publications and reports: 19
Number of thesis: Master 2
Need and motivation of the project:
In 2013 mining industry in Finland was experiencing a ‘mining boom’ that was driven by an increased global demand for metals and certain industrial minerals. At the same time concerns had risen towards a sufficient balance between regional socio-economic benefits and environmental impactsTransparent environmental and social communication, based on scientific results is needed between the industry, authorities and public to decrease these fears and to improve the acceptance of mining.
Main set targets:
Acceptable and competitive mining industry is based on sustainable development. All three elements of sustainability – social, environmental and economic – were included in the project. In general level, the aim of the project was to create tools to increase the imperceptibility of mining, especially in Finland but applicable to other mining countries as well to achieve eco-intelligent and acceptable mining environment. Special attention was paid on social acceptance to create processes supporting social responsibility, social acceptance and conflict management. Environmental sustainability was focused on developing regional tools approaches for environmental impact assessment, environmental management and monitoring of mining activities. Business impacts of water efficiency related new technologies and services were studied in order to define improvement opportunities for business impacts.
Key results
Key results of SAM have been presented in Executive Summary in more detailed level as an Annex of this summary. The key results can be listed shortly as follows:
- Two reports to introduce the global, regional and local drivers creating sustainable and acceptable mining industry and explaration in Finland (VTT, GTK with contribution of all partners). Work was carried out partly in cooperation with Chile.
- A conceptual framework to analyse the economic impacts of alternative water efficiency improvement solutions (VTT)
- Ms Thesis on economic aspects of acceptance in regional and local economies on the cutting edge of value chain and SLO results (HY)
- Mining specific tools to analyse water risk assessment and improve communication:
- Groundwater Studies Checklist: tool to enhance the groundwater protection and risk management and give information about interaction of groundwater and surface water (SYKE)
- Areal Water Balance Modelling: a real time water management tool increases situational awareness on water quantities. It can be used aiding process monitoring and risk management (SYKE)
- Illustrating and structuring possible impacts of mining: as an example a case study; impacts of mining on hydrology and biodiversity (SYKE)
- Water footprint assessment for mining: tool to communicate on environmental impacts caused by changes in regional water volume and quality (VTT, GTK Mintec)
- New means to enhance continuous sustainability dialogue at the regional level between stakeholders, industry (mining and exploration) and researchers were developed through case studies in Kuusamo and Sodankylä. Research exchange in CSIRO Australia and cooperation with CBI supported this work. The work was carried out through several workshops and the results have been published in reports (see the Executive summary).
Kauppi S, Mustajoki J, Kuntonen – van’t Riet J. Structuring and Illustrating the Possible Impacts of Mining: Case study on Hydrology and Biodiversity. Submitted to Environmental Earth Sciences (Springer) 24.2.2016
Lappi P. & Ollikainen M. 2016. Mining and dynamically optimal emission tax. Resource and Energy Economics: a submitted manuscript.
Lyytimäki Jari, Peltonen Lasse (2016). Mining through controversies: Public perceptions and the legitimacy of a planned gold mine near a tourist destination. Land Use Policy 54: 479-486. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2016.03.004
Wessman, H., Salmi, O., Kohl, J., Kinnunen, P, Saarivuori, E., Mroueh U-M. (2014). Water and society: mutual challenges for eco-efficient and socially acceptable mining in Finland. Research paper for Journal of Cleaner Production / Special volume for Mining, 2014
Wessman-Jääskeläinen, H., Kauppi, S., Wessberg, N., Nystén,T., Saarivuori, E., Mikkola, M., Kohl, J., Jussila, A., Juntunen, P., & Tuominen. S., 2015. Research concept to enhance sustainable and responsible mining in Finland. Abstract (submitted). Global Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption Conference, Barcelona, Spain, November 2015.
Other publications and reports
Eerola, T. 2014a Alustava katsaus malminetsintäyhtiöiden web-sivuihin ja vastuullisuusraportointiin ja strategioihin Suomessa. Geologi 66: 116-119.
Eerola, T. 2014b Kaivostoiminnan vastuullisuuden ja sosiaalisen toimiluvan yhteiskunnalliset tutkimus- ja edistämishankkeet. Alue ja ympäristö 43: 85-95.
Eerola, T. 2015. The uranium and mining disputes within the framework of Finnish environmental protest waves. Sustainable mining and environmental issues. Mineral Resources in a Sustainable World, 13th SGA Biennial Meeting 2015. Proceedings, Volume 4: 1515-1518.
Jussila, Ari; Mikkola, Markku. Assessment framework for economic impacts of water efficiency. Tekes Green Mining Programme, Water and emissions. EuroMining conference Tampere 21.5.2015
Kestävän kaivostoiminnan verkosto 2015. Työkalupakki: Malminetsintä (http://www.kaivosvastuu.fi/handbook-2/)
Kivinen, M. & Aumo, R. (toim.) 2016. Kaivostoiminta ja malminetsintä Suomessa: teollisen arvoverkon tukijalasta kansainvälisen verkostoyhteiskunnan osaksi. Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Tutkimusraportti 221 (several articles by GTK researchers).
Kohl et al. 2013. Kestävä ja hyväksyttävä kaivannaisteollisuus 2030. Visio ja roadmap. VTT Technology 145. http://www.vtt.fi/inf/pdf/technology/2013/T145.pdf
Lyytimäki, J. 2015. Verkkokeskustelussa harhaudutaan usein sivuraiteille. Ympäristö ja Terveys 46(8): 67.
Lyytimäki, J. 2015. Yhteiskuntakelpoinen luonnonvarojen hyödyntäminen – Esimerkkinä kaivosteollisuuden viestinnän ja vuorovaikutuksen haasteet. Ympäristö ja Terveys 46(8): 62-66.
Mikkola, M. 2015. Kaivosten sulkemisen jälkeinen hyötykäyttö. Julkaisussa: Kivinen, M. (toim.) & Aumo, R. (toim.) Kaivostoiminta ja malminetsintä Suomessa: Teollisuuden tukijalasta verkostoyhteiskunnan osaksi. Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Tutkimusraportti 221, 26–38.
Molarius, R., 2015. Kaivostoiminnan huomiointi kaavoituksessa – viranomaistyöpaja Kuusamon yleiskaavaa valmisteltaessa Tutkimusraportti : VTT-R-02634-15, VTT, 19 s. + liitt. 7 s.
Myllyoja, J. Eerola, T. ja Peltonen, L. 2015. Moniäänistä kaivosteollisuutta tutkimassa teatterin keinoin. Alue ja ympäristö 44: 56-61.
Ollikainen M. 2013. Kaivostoiminnan ympäristövaikutusta hallinta ja ohjaus: taloustieteellinen näkökulma. Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja 109: 182-190.
Selinheimo, S., Kalliola, R. ja Eerola, T. 2015. Kaivosyritysten paikallinen hyväksyttävyys kuntatason näkökulmasta: Esimerkkinä Sodankylä. Terra 127: 125-134.
Tuominen, S., Kauppi, S. & Nystén, T. 2014. Pohjavesiselvitysten tarkistuslista – uusi työkalu kaivosyritysten vesien-hallintaan. Vesitalous 2014; 55 (5): 19–21.
Watershead Simulation and Forecasting System (WSFS): http://www.environment.fi/waterforecast
Wessberg, N., Kohl, J. and Molarius, R., 2016. Sosiotekninen muutos kaivosteollisuudessa. Kaivosteollisuus yhteiskunnallisena toimijana. VTT Technology 251/2016. VTT, Espoo.
Wessberg, N., Wessman-Jääskeläinen, H., Saarivuori, E. 2015. What mining industry could learn from the past struggles of the Finnish forest industry? VTT Policy Brief : 1. VTT, 12 p.
Wessman-Jääskeläinen, H. (2014): A socially and environmentally friendly future. Blazes of brilliance, International Innovation, issue 167, December 2014.
Savolainen R. 2013. Metallimalmikaivostoiminta ja aluetalouden kestävä kehittäminen. E-thesis, Helsingin yliopisto, Taloustieteen laitos
Selinheimo, S. 2014. Sodankylä ja kaivosteollisuus – kaivannaisteollisuuden yhteiskuntavastuu alueellisiin muutoksiin kuntatason näkökulmasta. Pro gradu-tutkielma Turun yliopiston maantieteen ja geologian laitos