29 kesä DEVICO – Production integrated condition-based maintenance model for mining industry
Name: Development of production integrated condition-based maintenance model for mining industry
Acronym: DEVICO
Duration: 1.2.2012 – 31.12.2013
Total costs (€)/Tekes support: 215 000 € / 193 500 € (University of Oulu), 197 500 € / 175 500 € (KAMK)
Leading research organization partner: University of Oulu & Kajaani University of Applied Sciences
Contact persons: Kauko Leiviskä, University of Oulu, kauko.leiviska(at)oulu.fi, Esko Juuso, University of Oulu, esko.juuso(at)oulu.fi, Juho Torvi, Kajaani University of Applied Sciences, juho.torvi(at)kamk.fi
www: https://www.kamk.fi/en/Business-Services/Research-and-Development/Mechanical-and-Mining/DEVICO
Research organization partners: University of Oulu, Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences
Company partners: Sandvik Mining and Construction Oy, Pyhäsalmi Mine Oy, MIP Electronics Oy, Sotkamo Silver, Maintparner Oy, Talvivaaran Kaivososakeyhtiö Oyj
International partners: Luleå University of Technology
Number of reviewed publications, incl. submitted manuscripts: 8
Number of other publications and reports: 3
Number of thesis: Master 3, Bachelor 3
Need and motivation of the project:
Several start-up mines have had problems getting production process utilization rates to meet the target levels quickly enough. During the first production months and years, maintenance operation tends to be more like a corrective than preventive maintenance. Maintenance costs in mines are 20-44% of the total operating cost. In addition, poor maintenance causes significant production losses. Poor maintenance also increases the environmental impacts of the mine. Harsh environment and varying operation conditions complicate reliable condition monitoring of mobile machines in underground mining industry.
Main set targets:
The main goal of this project was to develop a condition-based maintenance model, which can be implemented easily and rapidly in mining companies with light maintenance organization. The model utilizes predictive prognostic, condition-based monitoring technologies and necessary maintenance software. The project was divided in two main parts: the development of maintenance model (processes) and the condition-based maintenance research (technology). As a result, the project was targeted to increase reliability and productivity and decrease environmental impacts and energy consumption in the mining industry. In the underground mining, condition monitoring and stress evaluation of a load haul dumper front axle was focused on analyzing cumulative effects for the damage prediction.
Key results
Kajaani University of Applied Sciences
Serie B – Reports and studies:
University of Oulu
Reviewed and other publications, international cooperation including following research visits:
From University of Oulu to Division of Operation and Maintenance Engineering, Luleå University of Technology (Prof. U Kumar & Prof. D Galar): Laukka A, August 2013; Laukka A & Saari J, November 2012.
Commercialization measures and/or potential:
The project found that there is a need for new types of condition monitoring and maintenance services in the mining industry.
Reviewed publications
Laukka A, Saari J, Ruuska J, Juuso E & Lahdelma S (2016) Condition-based monitoring for underground mining machines, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Volume 23, Issue 1, pp 74-89, doi: 10.1504/IJISE.2016.075808.
Koistinen A H & Juuso E K (2015) Stress monitoring of underground load haul dumper front axle with intelligent indices, 4th IFAC Workshop on Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing, MMM 2015, Oulu, Finland, IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), Volume 48, Issue 17, pp 69-73
Nissilä J, Lahdelma S & Laurila J (2014) Condition monitoring of the front axle of a haul dumper with real order derivatives and generalised norms, 11th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies, CM 2014 / MFPT 2014, Manchester, UK.
Juuso E K (2014) Intelligent indices for online monitoring of stress and condition, 11th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies, CM 2014 / MFPT 2014
Juuso E & Lahdelma S (2013) Intelligent Performance Measures for Condition-based Maintenance, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Special Issue: Advances in Maintenance Performance Measurement and Management – selected papers from the First International Conference on Maintenance Performance, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp 278-294, doi: 10.1108/JQME-05-2013-0026.
Laukka A, Saari J, Ruuska J, Juuso E & Lahdelma S (2013) Condition based monitoring for underground mining machines, Maintenance Performance Measurement and Management, MPMM 2013, Lappeenranta, Finland.
Saari J, Mishra M, Galar D, Johansson C-A, Laukka A & Juuso E (2013) Applied methods of condition monitoring and fault detection for underground mobile machines, MPES2013: Mine Planing and Equipment Selection, Dresden , Germany
Galar D, Kumar U, Juuso E & Lahdelma S (2012) Fusion of maintenance and control data: A need for the process, Proceedings of 18th World Conference on Non Destructive Testing, April, Durban, South Africa, ICNDT.
Other publications and reports:
Torvi J & Kemppainen K (2014) Kunnossapidon johtaminen kaivoksilla. Kajaani University of Applied Sciences. Serie B – Reports and studies.
Kemppainen K (2014) Käyttövarmuuden kehittäminen kaivoksen rikastamolla. Kajaani University of Applied Sciences. Serie B – Reports and studies.
Torvi J, Laukka A & Juuso E (2013) Ennakoiva kunnossapito varmistaa kaivoksen kassavirran. Promaint 4/2013.
Nissilä J (2014) Fractional calculus and generalised norms in condition monitoring of a load haul dumper. University of Oulu. Master thesis.
Kemppainen K (2014) Reliability on the New Concentrator – uuden rikastamon käyttövarmuus. Kajaani University of Applied Sciences. Master thesis.
Saari J (2013) Kaivoksen lastauslaitteiden kunnonvalvonnan kehittäminen. University of Oulu. Master thesis.
Räisänen J (2013) Measurement of Crusher Shaft Condition by Non Destructive Testing Methods – Karkeamurskaimen akselin kunnon mittaaminen ainetta rikkomattomilla menetelmillä. Kajaani University of Applied Sciences. Bachelor thesis.
Mustonen T (2013) Condition Monitoring Solution for a Vibrating Screen – Seulan kunnonvalvonnan suunnittelu. Kajaani University of Applied Sciences. Bachelor thesis.
Kumpulainen K (2013) Maintenance functions start-up – Kunnossapitotoimintojen aloitus. Kajaani University of Applied Sciences. Bachelor thesis.
Juuso E, Laukka A, Laurila J (2013) Development of production integrated condition-based maintenance model for mining industry (DEVICO), 9th Fennoscandian Exploration and Mining – FEM 2013, Levi, Finland.
Juuso E, Ruuska J, Laukka A, Leiviskä K, Lahdelma S, Saari J (2012) Production integrated condition-based maintenance for mining industry, SUSMP’12 International Conference on Sustainable Mineral Processing, Oulu, Finland.
Juuso E, Ruuska J, Laukka A, Leiviskä K, Lahdelma S, Saari J, Torvi J, Kemppainen K, Kähkönen J (2012) Development of production integrated condition-based maintenance model for mining industry (DEVICO), Green Mining Annual Seminar, Helsinki, Finland.