30 kesä Mine Water as a resource
Name: Mine Water as a resource
Acronym: MIWARE
Duration:3.11.2014 – 31.10.2017
Total costs (€)/Tekes support: 450 k€/315 k€ (for VTT)
Leading research organization partner: VTT
Contact persons: Mona Arnold, VTT, mona.arnold(at)vtt.fi
Research organization partners: VTT
Company partners: Outotec, Agnico Eagle, Flootech
International partners: Mintek, Anglo Coal, IVL
Number of reviewed publications, incl. submitted manuscripts: 2
Number of thesis: Master 1
Need and motivation of the project:
- Polluted mine water, from both active and abandoned mines represent a major problem worldwide.
- Main cause of 7% of the failures to achieve the goals of the European Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC).
- There are about 50,000 km of rivers contaminated by these discharges worldwide, of which at least 8,000 km are in Europe
- Resource recovery will become environmentally imperative and economically profitable in the near future
Main set targets:
- To develop and demonstrate robust processes for the treatment of metal/sulphate-laden wastewater from the mining and metal industries.
- Focus on recovery of the valuable materials contained in mining water with new methods to provide robust economic solutions that are applicable worldwide in variable conditions. Selectivity is focal
- Decrease the environmental impact and cost of the treatment processes by valorising, as much as possible, the components of this effluent, concentrating on recovery of valuable metals and developing less energy consuming processes
Key results: project is on-going, final results to be delivered
Commercialization measures and/or potential
- Technology/process demonstration will enhance the market uptake of developed technologies (in the first place by company consortium members)