Green Mining | Pilot Plant Run on Mustavaara Ilmenomagnetite Ore
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Pilot Plant Run on Mustavaara Ilmenomagnetite Ore

Name: Pilot Plant Run on Mustavaara Ilmenomagnetite Ore

Acronym: Pilot Plant Run

Duration: 10.2.2012-31.08.2012

Total costs (€)/Tekes support: 466.762€ / 162.785€

Organisation: Mustavaaran Kaivos Oy

Contact person: Jukka Pitkäjärvi, Mustavaaran Kaivos Oy, jukka.pitkajarvi(at)


Research organization partners: the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK)

Company partners: Envito Consulting, Pöyry Finland Oy

Need and motivation of the project:
The Pilot Plant Run represented process development work required for the Mustavaara project and was part of the Feasibility Study.

Main set targets:
The target of the Pilot Plant Run was the optimization of the concentrating process of the Mustavaara ore. The objective was to produce 100 tonnes of ilmenomagnetite concentrate for pilot plant smelting trials.

Key results and impact: 105 tonnes of ilmenomagnetite concentrate was produced. The results contributed to the process design of the beneficiation plant and also gave basic information on operating costs.

Commercialization status (demos, pilotings, investments, products, services): not yet in production