Green Mining | Novel technologies for greenfield exploration – NovTecEx
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Novel technologies for greenfield exploration – NovTecEx

Name: Novel technologies for greenfield exploration

Acronym: NovTecEx

Duration: 2012-2015

Total costs (€)/Tekes support:   833 334€/500 000€

Leading research organization partner: Geological Survey of Finland

Contact persons: Pertti Sarala, Geological Survey of Finland, pertti.sarala(at), Juha-Pekka Lunkka, University of Oulu, juha.pekka.lunkka(at)


Research organization partners: Geological Survey of Finland and University of Oulu

Company partners: FQM FinnEx Oy, Pyhäsalmi Mine Oy, Agnico-Eagle Oy, Anglo American Exploration B.V./Sakatti Mining Oy, Metsähallitus

International partners: CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering (Australia), Geological Survey of Canada

Number of reviewed publications, incl. submitted manuscripts: 9

Number of other publications and reports: 12 and 6

Need and motivation of the project:
Finland can be considered as very potential region for new discoveries in mineral exploration. This is shown by several mine- and exploration projects especially in the northern Finland. Despite of the relatively high current activity of mineral exploration there are vast areas without thorough exploration history. Thick glacial overburden, mires and weathered bedrock are huge challenges for mineral exploration. The sub-arctic areas are typically vulnerable and large areas in northern Finland belong to Natura 2000 nature conservation program. Mineral exploration within such areas is very demanding and expensive. This project aims to find cost- and eco-efficient solutions for mineral exploration techniques and concepts.

Main set targets:
The main aim of the project was to establish technical and mental prerequisites for developing novel and effective mineral exploration techniques and concepts within northern, covered and vulnerable areas. The new exploration techniques and concepts are particularly focused to research within areas that are underexplored, greenfield areas. Special emphasis was given for very low environmental impact caused by the exploration activities. In eight tasks, the project focused on developing the sampling and field analyzing techniques of glacial till together with improving the sample preparation for mineralogical studies, interpretation and integration of data from deep penetrating geophysical surveys together with data from other sources to utilize more powerful processing and modeling techniques of digital data and improve the technical platform, and geophysical data processing techniques for effective use of airborne data.


Key results

The best practices for mineral exploration (techniques and concepts) from cost and environmental perspectives were developed in the project. The main results are: 1) recommendations on low-impact sampling techniques coincident with multiple sample material collection using various soil and deep drilling sampling methods; 2) a new concept for sample preparation together with automated analysis and identification methods; 3) an on-site field analysis method using a portable XRF analyser in till geochemical analysis; 4) advanced spatial prospectivity analysis with the self-organized mapping (SOM) technique using new geochemical and geophysical data and 3D/4D modelling, in which geological and geophysical data interpretation was conducted; 5) and object-based recognition methods, in which geological and geophysical data and digital elevation maps were used in semi-automated detection of the geological structures potential for mineral exploration; 6) the use of audiomagnetotelluric (AMT) equipment as a field survey method; 7) an advanced interpretation tool for airborne TEM; 8) and the use of gravity data in the investigation of deep structures in the bedrock. All the tasks provided new ways obtaining indications on possible mineralization from surficial deposits and the greater depths of the bedrock. These techniques allow the location and thorough investigation of the geological processes responsible for mineral deposits and indications of ore-forming processes, or in suitable conditions, the direct identification of mineral deposits. The efficiency and success of exploration require not only high quality data processing and interpretation, but also the consideration of environmental aspects, which are particularly important in sensitive northern, sub-Arctic areas.

The methodological testing was carried out in two research area, Savukoski-Pelkosenniemi region in eastern Lapland and Lätäseno region in north-western Lapland. By this way new geological, geochemical and geophysical data were gathered and generated for the future mineral exploration studies in those areas.

The project generated new know-how in Finland by building up a national and global network and collaboration between the experts in CSIRO (Australia) in the data analysis techniques and in the Geological Survey of Canada by sharing ideas and information and advice on the indicator mineral processing and analysis techniques.

Commercialization measures and/or potential:
The results and methodological advances arising from this project could particularly serve companies and organizations conducting grass roots mineral exploration in a regional scale. The techniques can also be adopted in target-scale exploration. The data collected in the project can be used in regional and local-scale geological models, which help in understanding the geological processes and provides opportunity to find new mineral deposits in previously poorly known areas in northern Finland. Furthermore, The reported methods and techniques are available for commercial use in a private sector.


List of publications

Sarala, P., Nykänen, V., Peltoniemi-Taivalkoski, A. & Valkama, J. 2012. Green Mining project ‘NovTecEx’ developing eco-efficient till sampling techniques in eastern Finnish Lapland. In: Hanski, E. & Sarala, P. (eds.), Program & Abstracts, Geochemistry and ore deposit models seminar, 17.-18.10.2012 the University of Oulu, Finland.

Sarala, P. 2013. NovTecEx-hanke. Teoksessa: Sarala, P. & Ylipieti, J. (toim.), Vuosikirja 2011-2012. Lapin tutkimusseura, Rovaniemi, 30-32.

Sarala, P. & Nykänen, V. 2013. NovTecEx – Novel technologies for greenfield exploration. Abstract of poster presentation in the 9th FEM, Levi, Finland, 29.-31.10.2013.

Karinen, T., Lahti, I., Niiranen, T. & Konnunaho, J. 2014. 4D modelling of the Hietakero area in Northern Finland. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-3388, EGU General Assembly 2014.

Sarala, P. & Nykänen, V. 2014. Development of low-impact exploration methods promoting the Green Mining concept in Finland. In: 31st Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, Lund, Sweden, January 8-10 2014. Geological Society of Sweden, p. 60. Also available online 1 Jan 2014 (

Sarala, P. & Nykänen, V. 2014. NovTecEx – Novel Technologies for Greenfield Exploration. In: Sarala, P. (ed.), 11. Geokemian Päivät 2014 – 11th Finnish Geochemical Meeting 2014, 5.-6.2.2014, GTK, Espoo, Finland. Tiivistelmät – abstracts. Vuorimiesyhdistys, Sarja B 97. Espoo: Vuorimiesyhdistys, p. 39.

Torppa, J. 2014. SOM in geochemical data analysis. In: Sarala, P. (ed.), 11. Geokemian Päivät 2014 – 11th Finnish Geochemical Meeting 2014, 5.-6.2.2014, GTK, Espoo, Finland. Tiivistelmät – abstracts. Vuorimiesyhdistys, Sarja B 97. Espoo: Vuorimiesyhdistys, 12-13.

Sarala, P. 2014. New low-impact geochemical sampling and exploration methods – application of the Green Mining concept for the green field exploration in Finland. In: Lauri, L. S., Heilimo, E., Leväniemi, H., Tuusjärvi, M., Lahtinen, R. & Hölttä, P. (eds), Current Research: 2nd GTK Mineral Potential Workshop, Kuopio, Finland, May 2014. Geological Survey of Finland, Report of Investigation 207, 135-136.

Sarala, P. 2014. Low-impact exploration methods promoting the Green Mining concept in Finland. In: Zelčs, V. & Nartišs, M. (eds.), Late Quaternary terrestrial processes, sediments and history: from glacial to postglacial environments. Excursion guide and abstracts of the INQUA Peribaltic Regional Working Group Meeting and field excursion in Eastern and Central Latvia, August 17-22, 2014. University of Latvia, Riga, 135-136.

Sarala, P. 2014 Novel technologies for greenfield exploration. Tekes Green Mining Annual Meeting, Helsinki 24.11.2014.

Sarala, P. 2015. Advanced till sampling methods – application in geochemical and indicator mineral research. In: Extended abstracts in 27th IAGS 2015 Tucson, USA, 20 -24 April 2015, 4 p. Electronic resource.

Sarala, P. 2015. Kohti vähäisiä ympäristövaikutuksia mineraalipotentiaalin arvioinnissa. Teoksessa: Sarala, P. & Ylipieti, J. (toim.), Vuosikirja 2013-2014. Lapin tutkimusseura, Rovaniemi, 5-8. Elektroninen julkaisu, saatavana: (viitattu 25.5.2015)


Special paper articles

Sarala, P. (toim.) 2015. Novel technologies for greenfield exploration. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 57, 197 s. Available online:

Sarala, P. 2015. Comparison of different techniques for basal till sampling in mineral exploration. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 57, 11-22.

Lehtonen, M., Lahaye, Y., O’Brien, H., Lukkari, S., Marmo, J. & Sarala, P. 2015. Novel technologies for indicator mineral-based exploration. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 57, 23-62.

Sarala, P., Taivalkoski, A. & Valkama, J. 2015. Portable XRF: An advanced onsite analysis method in till geochemical exploration. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 57, 63-86.

Torppa, J., Middleton, M, Hyvönen, E., Lerssi, J. & Fraser, S. 2015. A novel spatial analysis approach for assessing regional-scale mineral prospectivity in northern Finland. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 57, 87-120.

Karinen, T., Lahti, I. & Konnunaho, J. 2015. 3D/4D geological modelling of the Hietakero and Vähäkurkkio areas in the Lätäseno Schist Belt, Enontekiö, northern Finland. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 57, 121-134.

Middleton, M., Schnur, T., Sorjonen-Ward, P. & Hyvönen, E. 2015. Geological lineament interpretation using the object-based image analysis approach: Results of semi-automated analyses versus visual interpretation. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 57, 135-154.

Lahti, I. 2015. Audiomagnetotelluric (AMT) measurements: A new tool for mineral exploration and upper crustal research at the Geological Survey of Finland. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 57, 155-172.

Pirttijärvi, M. & Salmirinne, H. 2015. ArjunGUI: 2D modelling and inversion software for airborne time-domain EM data. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 57, 173-184.

Salmirinne, H. & Pirttijärvi, M. 2015. Calculation of the derived Bouguer anomaly using the equivalent source method based on joint inversion of ground gravity and airborne gravity gradient data. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 57, 185-197.



Lehtonen, M., Lahaye, Y., O’Brien, H., Lukkari, S., Marmo, J. & Sarala, P. 2014. NovTecEx-osatehtävä 2: Moreenin mineraloginen tutkimus – uusia menetelmiä indikaattorimineraaleihin perustuvaan malminetsintään. Geologian tutkimuskeskus, arkistoraportti 102/2014, 20 + 34 liitesivua.

Pirttijärvi, M., and Salmirinne, H., 2014. ArjunGUI – Aika-alueen sähkömagneettisten mittausten 2D-mallinnus- ja tulkintaohjelma. Geologian tutkimuskeskus, arkistoraportti 115/2014, 23 s.

Salmirinne, H. ja Pirttijärvi, M. 2015. Ekvivalenttilähdemenetelmä johdetun Bouguer-anomalian laskemiseksi yhdistetyllä inversiolla lentogradientti- ja maanpintamittauksista. Geologian tutkimuskeskus, arkistoraportti 114/2014, 19 s.

Sarala, P., Taivalkoski, A. & Valkama, J. 2014. Käsikäyttöisen XRF-laitteen käyttö moreenigeokemiallisessa tutkimuksessa. Geologian tutkimuskeskus, arkistoraportti 120/2014, 9 s. ja 13 liitettä.

Taivalkoski, A. & Sarala, P. 2014. Maastotallennin ja metsäkuviotietoihin pohjautuva reitinoptimointi moreeninäytteenotossa. Geologian tutkimuskeskus, arkistoraportti 170/2013, 10 s. ja 4 liites.


Tutkijavierailut ja seminaarit

Esitelmät tutkijavierailulla (Lehtonen ja Sarala) kesäkuussa 2013 Ottawassa, Kanadassa (Geological Survey of Canada)

  • Lehtonen, M. Experimenting sample processing and SEM-based analytical techniques for indicator minerals in the fine fractions of till. Esitelmä Informal workshop and Q&A with GSC till geochemistry and indicator minerals -seminaarissa 25.6.2013, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada.
  • Lehtonen, M. Experiences from indicator mineral surveys in Northern and Eastern Finland. Esitelmä (formal talk) Geological Discussion Group of GSC 27.6.2013, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada.
  • Sarala, P. Au exploration using till geochemistry and indicator mineral studies. Esitelmä Informal workshop and Q&A with GSC till geochemistry and indicator minerals -seminaarissa 25.6.2013, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada.
  • Sarala, P. Till geochemistry as an indicator of glacial transport and deposition of moraine formations in the central part of Scandinavian Ice Sheet. Esitelmä (formal talk) Geological Discussion Group of GSC 26.6.2013, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada.
  • Sarala, P. Portable XRF methods in exploring the ore potentiality in glaciated terrain – examples from Finland. Esitelmä Portable XRF discussion -seminaarissa 27.6.2013, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada.


Esitelmät kanadalaisten (McClenaghan ja McMartin) tutkijavierailulla Suomessa syyskuussa 2013

  • Seminar for advances and development of till geochemical and indicator mineral methods in mineral exploration, environmental research, Q/A, and on-going projects (GSC, GTK and University of Oulu), in GTK, Rovaniemi, 11.9.2013
  • Sarala, P. (GTK) Opening and Green mining projects in GTK.
  • Peuraniemi, V. (OY) Till geochemical and heavy mineral research for mineral exploration in the University of Oulu with examples of on-going projects
  • Lehtonen, M. (GTK) Development of the indicator mineral processing and analyse services in GTK
  • McClenaghan, B. (GSC) Indicator mineral methods for Ni-Cu-PGE deposits: GSC research activities
  • Sarapää, O. (GTK) Potentiality mapping of the critical minerals in Finland
  • Väisänen, U. (GTK) ENVIMINE project and sulphidic acid soil mapping in GTK
  • Lauri, L. (GTK) U-Th potential and exploration in Finland
  • McMartin, I. (GSC) Development of drift prospecting methods for IOCG exploration in the Great Bear Magmatic Zone, Canada
  • Salmirinne, H. (GTK) Spatial data modelling as a data integration tool – Case studies for Au and REE exploration in Northern Finland
  • General lectures 11.9.2013, GTK, Rovaniemi, Meeting Room 1 (with video connection to the GTK’s regional offices)
  • McClenaghan, B. (GSC) Applications of indicator mineral methods in mineral exploration in Canada.
  • McMartin, I. (GSC) Till geochemistry and heavy mineral surveys in Canada: examples from various surficial geology mapping projects in shield terrain


Tutkijavierailu (Fraser) Suomeen lokakuussa 2013

  • NovTecEx project seminar in GTK, Rovaniemi, 15.-16.10.2013
  • Sarala, P. (GTK) Green Mining Programme and the project Novel technologies for greenfield exloration at GTK in northern Finland.
  • Sarala, P. (GTK) NovTecEx
  • Task 1: Sampling techniques for till geochemical surveys
  • Task 3: On-site (field) analytical techniques.
  • Lehtonen, M. (GTK) Task 2: Indicator minerals, automated mineralogy.
  • Marmo, J. (GTK) Mineral analytical services of GTK.
  • Task 4: Spatial data mining and modeling:
  • Fraser, S. (CSIRO) Self-organising map (SOM) technique and SiroSOM.
  • Middleton, M. (GTK) Self-organizing maps for regional IOCG prospectivity in Enontekiö.
  • Torppa, J. (GTK) SOM/K-means clustering: Methods for managing the input and interpreting the output.
  • Fraser, S. (CSIRO) Hands on SiroSOM demonstration possibly on Kevitsa data.
  • Middleton, M. (GTK) Task 5: Object based recognition of bedrock fractures.
  • Lahti, I. (GTK) Task 6: AMT as a mineral exploration tool
  • Pirttijärvi, M. (OY) Task 7: Development of the 2D interpretation of airborne TEM measurements.
  • Salmirinne, H. (GTK) Task 8: Airborne gravity gradient surveys.
  • Karinen, T. Introduction to GTK’s 3D room together with demonstration and case studies of 3D modeling.
  • General lectures 22.10.2013, GTK, Rovaniemi, Meeting Room 1 (with video connection to the GTK’s regional offices)
  • Fraser, S. (CSIRO) BIG Data, The Intelligent Mine, The Common Mine Model & Analytics.


Esitelmä 11. Geokemian Päivien workshopissa 6.2.2014

Torppa, J. 2014. SOM-mallinnus geokemiallisten aineistojen tarkastelussa – esimerkkinä Savukosken moreenigeokemia. Suullinen esitelmä 11. Geokemian Päivät 2014, 5.-6.2.2014, GTK, Espoo.


NovTecEx-mallinnusseminaari ’Spatial data analysis and modeling’ 25.11.2014 GTK:lla, Espoossa

  • Stephen Fraser: Self Organizing Maps: A Tool for Geoscience Analytics.
  • Juha Oksanen: Uncertainty-aware terrain analysis utilizing high-performance computing
  • Hanna Leväniemi: Prospectivity Mapping in the Häme Volcanic Belt, Southern Finland
  • Eevaliisa Laine: Results from ongoing 3D-modeling project
  • Johanna Torppa: SOM in 2D prospectivity modeling
  • Soile Aatos: Geochemical norm calculation and SOM
  • Helena Hulkki: Analysis of the geochemical data of weathered bedrock; identification of anomalies and recognition of processes and trends using SiroSOM and Statistics
  • Maarit Middleton, Tuomo Karinen and Ilkka Lahti: SOMing 3D inversions of aerogeophysics at the Lätäseno Schist Belt



Sarala, P. 2012. Uusia malminetsintämenetelmiä herkille pohjoisille alueille – NovTecEx (Novel technologies for greenfield exploration); Geokemiallinen ja mineraloginen menetelmäkehitys. Esitelmä GTK:n Konsernipalvelujen maastomiesten työhyvinvointi- ja koulutuspäivillä Vuokatissa 30.11.2012.

Peltoniemi-Taivalkoski, A. 2012. Maastotallennin, Maapelin geokemian tallennussovellus ja metsätalouskuviotietoihin perustuva reitinoptimointi moreeninäytteenotossa: käytön demonstrointi. Esitelmä GTK:n Konsernipalvelujen maastomiesten työhyvinvointi- ja koulutuspäivillä Vuokatissa 30.11.2012.

Sarala, P. 2013. UltraLIM-, NovTecEx- ja Geokemian menetelmien kehittäminen -hankkeiden esittely GTK: Pohjois-Suomen yksikön Kallioperä ja raaka-aineet -toimialan kokouksessa 22.5.

Sarala, P. 2013. NovTecEx- ja UltraLIM -hankkeiden esittely GTK:n Pohjois-Suomen yksikön Yksikköpäivillä Oppipojassa 31.5.

Sarala, P. 2013. Green Mining -ohjelman hankkeet PSY:ssä – NovTecEx (4141004), UltraLIM (4141005). Yleisöluento GTK:n avoimien ovien päivänä 5.9.2013.

Sarala, P. 2013. Green Mining -projektit ja näytteenottomenetelmien kehittäminen. GTK:n kairaajakoulutus, Oppipoika 16.12.2013.

Environmentally friendly mineral exploration for the Arctic. Geofoorumi 2/2013, 12-14.

Sarala, P. 2014. Green Mining -ohjelman hankkeet GTK:n Pohjois-Suomen yksikössä: NovTecEx (4141004), UltraLIM (4141005). Esitelmä Lapin luonnonsuojelupiirin ja GTK:n tapaamisessa GTK:lla Rovaniemellä 26.10.2014

Sarala, P. 2015. Malminetsintää kehittämässä. Lapin kansa, Näkökulma-palstan artikkeli 1.2.2015.

Sarala, P. 2015. Green Mining – kohti vähäisiä ympäristövaikutuksia mineraalipotentiaalin arvioinnissa. Esitelmä Lapin tutkimusseuran ja GTK:n järjestämässä ”Geologinen tutkimus ympäristön ja yhteiskunnan tukena” -luentosarjassa, Rovaniemellä 2.2.2015.

Sarala, P. 2015. Green Mining – kohti vähäisiä ympäristövaikutuksia mineraalipotentiaalin arvioinnissa. Esitelmä Oulun yliopistossa, Oulussa 6.2.2015.

Lehdistötiedote 17.3. Herkille alueille kehitettiin uusia tutkimus- ja malminetsintämenetelmiä.

Uusia keinoja malminetsintään. Tekniikka & Talous 7, 20.3.2015.

Sarala, P. 2015. Advanced till sampling methods – application in geochemical and indicator mineral research. Posteri-esitys 27th IAGS, Tucson, USA, 20.-24.4.2015

Nykänen, V. & Sarala, P. 2015. Novel technologies for greenfield exploration. Esitelmä GTK:n sidosryhmätapaamisessa Rovaniemellä 6.5.2015