29 kesä Geosto: Development of geophysical electromagnetic measurement methods
Name: Development of geophysical electromagnetic measurement methods
Acronym: NOVEL-EM
Duration: 1/2013 – 8/2016
Total costs (€)/Tekes support: 91000
Organisation: Geosto Oy
Contact person: Pauli Saksa, Geosto Oy, pauli.saksa(at)geosto.fi
www: www.geosto.fi
Research organization partners: Oulun Yliopisto
Need and motivation of the project:
To develop groundwater quality and contaminant migration monitoring methods for mine waste disposal areas and for enbankment dams. To improve environmental safety of the mine sites.
Main set targets:
Develop accurate measurement methods for monitoring application.
Key results and impact
System use and instrumentation calibration and processin g of the measurement data have been improved to routine application stage. System is in operational use at two metal mine sites in Finland.
Commercialization status (demos, pilotings, investments, products, services): In addition to mine site investigations several tests in controlled test environments have been conducted. Measurements can be offered commercially and with well determined content.