29 kesä Geomachine: CAN-väylä Geomachine kairakoneisiin
Name: CAN-väylä Geomachine kairakoneisiin
Duration: 04/2014-12/2015
Total costs (€)/Tekes support: about 470 k€ / Tekes grant about 106 k€ and Tekes loan 106 k€
Organisation: Geomachine Oy
Contact person: Jukka Ylänen, Man.dir Geomachine Oy, jukka.ylanen(at)geomachine.fi
www: geomachine.fi
Need and motivation of the project:
The need for the more effective, precise and safe drilling rig for the soil investigation and mining exploration.
Main set targets: Computer aided drilling and remote control.
Key results and impact
Successfully created first ever computer aided drilling prototype with the very good feed back from the field.
Commercialization status (demos, pilotings, investments, products, services):
The proto sold to Finland, second rig in the offering stage for export