Green Mining | Mustavaaran Kaivos: Clean Slag Project
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Mustavaaran Kaivos: Clean Slag Project

Name: Clean Slag project

Duration: 10.6.2015 – 31.7.2016

Total costs (€)/Tekes support: estimate 5.080.000€ / Tekes loan max. 70%

Organisation: Mustavaaran Kaivos Oy

Contact person: Jukka Pitkäjärvi, Mustavaaran Kaivos Oy, jukka.pitkajarvi(at)


Need and motivation of the project:
Mustavaaran Kaivos Oy is planning to start vanadium production from slag by-product produced by SSAB. Extraction of vanadium from the slag will be done in a smelter to be built at the port of Raahe.

Main set targets:
The Clean Slag project involves the development of an innovative process for the recovery of vanadium and various other valuable products from slag. The design work is carried out in cooperation with domestic partners as well as several international equipment suppliers.

Key results and impact: (project still ongoing)

Commercialization status (demos, pilotings, investments, products, services): (project still ongoing)

Number of patents and patent applications: (project still ongoing)