Green Mining | Kestotec: Intelligent bucket
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Kestotec: Intelligent bucket

Name: Intelligent bucket (Älykäs kauha)

Duration: 8.12.2014-31.12.2016

Total costs (€)/Tekes support: 312600 / 156000 €

Organisation: Kestotec Oy

Contact person: Mikko Harjula, Kestotec Oy, mikko.harjula(at)


Company partners: Miilux Oy, Pivotech Oy, Saikkonen Engineering Oy

International partners: MTG

Need and motivation of the project:
Need and motiavation of the project is to develop more efficient and productive buckets for mining equipment. This is done by developing geometry, structures and materials of the products. Lifespan of the product is prolonged and the need for maintenance is fever. This reduces the overall cost.

As a result of the project productivity of the mine is improved, the mine is more environmentally friendly, unexpected stop are more rare and safety is improved. During the project the use of different intelligent solutions in the buckets are also under investigation.